What is Nutritional Therapy
The application of nutrition science in the promotion of health and prevention of disease. Nutritional therapy uses functional foods, supplementation, dietary counseling, and a range of diagnostic tools to help people reach their health goals whatever it may be.
Why the Artichoke as our logo! Artichokes are an ancient plant from the Mediterranean. At their core they have a very tender heart which is protected by strong outer layers, they represent hope and prosperity. our aim is to give clients hope and bring them back to health, so that they may prosper in life, after all Health is wealth.
How does nutritional therapy work?
It’s about looking at your lifestyle and your body’s biochemistry, assessing the imbalances and finding a new balance through an evidence-based, holistic approach.
Your condition is down to your unique circumstances and diet, and it’s only through a consultation that I’m able to determine the real roots of your problems
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